Plans for Another

Gathering is updated: Sunday the 4th to the morning of the 5th. I had the dates wrong in my head! I have tentatively set another little gathering for the 4th of January at night going until the morning of the 5th. Yes, it is overnight, and I do have quite a bit of bedspace. I do this again so that I get to see more people that I couldn't get a hold of before this last gethering, namely Engi, LaGory, Nick, Jeanette, and, of course, lil Rach. Now those who don't wish to drink don't have to stay the night. I am just saying that I have already talked to some people, and we feel if you are going to have a few, you are going to have a *proper* few drinks, such that you should not be able to operate heavy machinery afterwards, such as seed drills, chippers, Etch-A-Sketches, or motor vehicles. So, get a hold of me if you want to join, I will make sure you get the proper directions. You all know my AIM name.


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