More Pictorial Goodness!

Here are 21 more pictures for your enjoyment. Week 1 Hikone In the fourth picture, there is a shirt that has a bunch of delicious Engrish on it. Here is the verbatim of what was written there, although I don't have the fun formatting: You went double-platinam lastyear, and core BK scrach doesn't usually do that well, like his first tape, illmatic. Why do yu think that is? Because it goes with what everybody says is negativity. I'd rather hear from some body that's been through it than watch TV and see it fake. I'ts just a lot of people don't agree with it. and it's more to our ghetto people than the commercial kids. That's why a lot of people don't deal with it' cause we say the truth. I got songs for the radio, commercial understanding with a MESSAGE, but I try to still keep it underground. End Engrish. Please comment away.


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