Sequestered in the Lab

I am currently at the Halle Library at EMU, writing this in the basement lab. I don't have that much to say other than I am sore and tired. I gave my dad a call a few days ago and set up a meeting. I wanted to use my Lifetime Fitness membership better, so I arranged a racquetball lesson. He has played racquetball for years, and I have.... not. He kicked my butt all up and down those white walls. After five games, I had scored one point. He had a total of 75. Yeah, not so good. Afterward, we worked out on the machines and hot tubbed. Always a pleasant end to the rigors of self body sculpting torture. Later that day, after a well deserved nap and a sub, I went megashopping. With an amazing deal on Pepsi at Target (this week only, 4 12pks of Pepsi for $10 and you get a $5 Target gift card!!) and $50 in Meijer gift cards, it was time to stock up. So, while Kelly was at work I slept, and while she was at school, I shopped. Dinner was an easy affair, pan seared steak with garlic mashed potatoes and fresh green beans and crescent rolls. I have yet to do the dishes, and I am not looking forward to it. The night time was not the best. There was schoolwork aplenty to be completed before this morning. I think I got to bed at 1:45. I am tired and sore. Time for lunch and then one more class before I get to go home and clean. At least dinner is easy tonight -- salads.


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