Midnight Rambler

Okay, 2am rambler, but that doesn't have the same ring to it. I have noticed a few things as it comes to work. First, I am making more money than previous jobs, and that is to be expected since I moved from casual family-friendly dining to casino based, celebrity chef fine dining.  Second, there seems to be less drama than at other jobs.  I do not know whether it is because of the staff having to be more professional or just the hand-picked staff themselves, but despite the giggling of some and the frank discussions of others, there is no drama of note.  That makes me happy.  Third, I cannot get rid of work.  Over the past weekend, I worked quite a bit, even while asleep.  I keep having these fever-dreams of work where I am in the weeds, being triple sat with large parties who want impossible requests (I had one person order a bottle of Ambrosia, which, in a long string of Murphy's Law mishaps, was corked), and even when I shake myself awake at 4:30am, I remain disoriented.  I am told I am not the only one with these nocturnal hallucinations. Oh well, the perils of a new job, I suppose.  Other than that, it has been quite good. I want to take Kelly out to the restaurant or maybe to Bourbon Steak (possibly to both for a drink), but we can't yet.  At least, not until the Food & Beverage people figure things out and let us enter the casino on our off days... Oh well.


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