I propose a name change

I propose a name change.  Henceforth, Tuesday will now be known as Ramenday.  Andrew and I have been going out to lunch (since Tina and Kelly are picky eaters and would likely balk at the delicious ramen set in front of them) for the past few weeks, and I would love to continue the tradition. We go to Matsuchan Ramen in Canton, MI.  It is very authentic, with three people working.  One serving, one cooking, and one prepping.  It only seats about 25 people max, and has the authentic Japanese menu on the wall. Also, it tastes heavenly.  Whether it be the ShioRamen (clear soup), MisoRamen (Miso flavored soup), Katsu Curry (Fried pork cutlet and curry on rice), or whatever, this is one amazing ramen shop that I found almost in my back yard. Check it out, if you want some really tasty ramen.  Not the freeze-dried crap, but some real, delicious ramen here in Canton.


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