Ran my first straight DM game today - Second Son

I ran the Second Son module written for the Dungeons & Dragons Experience as a preview module yesterday.  It was fun backing up and letting the players actually do everything without having to take a hand as a PC as well.

With Justin playing 2 characters, a Genasi Assault Swordmage and a Human Devoted Cleric, and Mathias playing a Dragonborn Dragon Sorcerer, we were a little short of the five characters that were recommended.  I kind of did what I could to make it a little bit more balanced.

Encounter 1:
     2 Hobgoblin Soldiers (lvl 3)
Actual: Just as suggested

Encounter 2:
     Hobgoblin Soldier (lvl 3)
     Hobgoblin Archer (lvl 3)
     Hobgoblin Warcaster (lvl 3)
Actual: Same monsters, but didn't recharge the Warcaster's abilities until he was bloodied.

Encounter 3:
     2 Skeleton Warriors (lvl 3)
     Blazing Skeleton (lvl 5)
Actual: Changed the skeletons for 8 minions with the same stat block, but only dealing 5dmg per hit.

Encounter 4:
     2 Chillborn Zombies
Actual: Skipped due to lack of time.

Encounter 5:
     Kiet, the Shadar-Kai Chainfighter (lvl 6)
     2 Human Bandits
Actual: The bandits fled after seeing the Shadar-Kai hurt so badly, added in the big bad to truncate the next encounter into this one.

All in all, it was successful and we had fun.  We had the skill challenge, and they were pretty inventive in how they ran it.  I look forward to next week's session.  Maybe Chef Dan will be there this time, also.


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