So... Sleepy

Is anyone else in hibernation mode these days?

Kelly and I got our December DTE bill, and we think that $170 for a month in a 750 square foot apartment is pretty crazy. We have turned the heat down and have started living in blankets. We have no less than five in our living room (a 16' by 12' room).

In other news, my journal is now uploaded properly and migrated from LiveJournal. So, if you are bored enough, you may read about my exploits in Japan (end of May 2004 to September 2004) or before that if you want the slow, painful death of the relationship I had with my ex. That makes for some happy reading...

I played some Resistance 2 online today, and the full game is definitely as fun as the beta was. I was part of a coop team with 7 others running though Bryce Canyon, Utah. I was playing split screen, and my character of choice was the Medic. My team was well balanced, and we kicked the Chimera's butts all across the canyon. I passed the controller after that round, and they died within minutes. He blamed failure on the poor team dynamics. I think it failed because I was not playing.

In any case, I am just hanging out online while Kelly is watching the Screen Actor's Guild Award Ceremony. I am just surprised that people in Hollywood will join a guild called SAG.


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