Dr Pepper Good

I have noticed the new type of Dr. Pepper gracing my shelves right now.  It is Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, but there is one thing wrong with it.  It is diet!!  Now let me explain to you.  I have an intense loathing for all things with aspartame (previously Nutrasweet).  I have never liked the taste and my mom never let us have it.  Besides, when real Coke tastes so good, why punish yourself drinking the swill they call Diet Coke? I wrote the good people of Dr. Pepper and asked them about the real Chery Vanilaa Dr. pepper, and they gave me a form letter in response, which I will now share with you all: Dear Mr. Gibb, Thank you for contacting us about the availability of Dr Pepper.  Your comments and inquiries are appreciated because they give us valuable input regarding our brands and their availability. We regret that you are unable to find Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper in your area and suggest that you contact your local bottler to express your desire that they carry Dr Pepper. Your local bottler information is: COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF MICHIGAN (734) 397-2700 In addition, you might also speak to the retailers in your area and request they carry Dr Pepper in their stores. Again, we regret the inconvenience this has caused you.  We value your patronage and we hope you will continue to enjoy our soft drinks. Sincerely, Consumer Relations There is hope!  Also, the bottling plant is about a mile and a half from my apartment.  Hmm, late night raids?  Perhaps.


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