And the Days Slowly Pass

I've got some pictures for you guys here, they're from the Hikone area, immediately around JCMU. I took pics of Lawson's, the lake, the front of the center, et cetera. Oh, and of course more vending machines. Down the road and across the bridge, there are a few vending machines and a small yellow shed. Inside the shed are three vending machines that anyone who is not an adult should stay away from. Yes, they are porn vending machines, from all kinds of videos to sex aids and toys. Yeah, pretty crazy stuff. I couldn't put the pics of them up for you guys, sorry. Email me if you want them. 5-31-04 Hikone Well, since the last time I talked to you guys, everyone has shown up, I've been to Chanpon (for delicious ramen noodles) twice, with two separate groups, and thrown the frisbee around a lot. Yesterday was a busy day really. We had orientation, then got our bikes. With our bikes, we whisked ourselves off to Al Plaza and to some crazy madcap grocery shopping. I couldn't do too much since the grocery store only takes cash. Most places around here only take cash. After, we came back and hung out here, I checked my mail for the umpteenth time, then went outside and threw the frisbee around for a solid 45 minutes with 2-5 other people. It was a rotating cast of characters. Later in the evening, I went to dinner (that second time at Chanpon) with Robert, Jenny, Alan, Rebecca, Hiroshi, Seichiro, and Yoshi. It was good to get out with and hang out with the Nihonjin (Japanese people). Oh! I almost forgot! Not last night, but the night before, around 1am, when I am finally feeling suitably sleepy, Jay, one of the guys who has been here for a while, came running out to the lobby and yells, "Somebody just drove their car into Lawsons!!" To which we replied, "NOT LAWSON'S!!!" and we ran out there to inspect the damage. It turns out that someone hauled ass over the curb, crashing into the glass wall of Lawson's. I have pictures. They were still open for business at this time. What troopers. As for me now, I have to go take the placement test to see where I stand. I might have 3rd year again, which would be a great refresher, but I would love to get into the much more challenging 4th year class. Who knows. Wish me luck!


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