Everything's Comin' Up Milhouse!

I had quite a wonderful week this week. First off, it was Spring Break, no school! On Tuesday, I was a busy monkey. I went to my dad's in the afternoon to hang out a bit, pick up my new Jethro Tull DVD (complete with The Story of the Hare Who Lost His Spectacles!!!), and play some pool. It was rough, shooting pool, drinking beer, and watching Tull. I even had to endure a tasty dinner. Oh no, whatever shall I do? As you may have figured, I survived. After dinner, I scuttled off back to my apartment to consume Paczki with Drew and Jason, and that we did. We had moo juice and custard Paczki while watching some Naruto. Wonderful end to the day. To make things better, Thursday I went up to Lansing earlier in the day to hang out with Erin and Stef before going to BDub's. Erin was a little tired, but we still had a good time. It was the full complement of BDubs crowd (for me at least). It was Erin, Stef, Marcie, Nick, and me. One of their friends Ryan was also there, trashed beyond belief, but at least he was taken care of. He got a ride home safely with a friend. After BDub's, Marcie headed home eventually after a bit and Nick, Stef, Erin, and I watched Bruce Almighty, which I thoroughly enjoy. "Back to you, fuckers!!!" Great line. When the movie ended, we kept talking, and talking until about 6am. Yeah, we were up late. After a 4 hour nap, Nick woke up the girls by climbing into Stef's bed. Alas, I couldn't stay long, for I had the vile instituion of work to attend to. Stupid work. But then again, I had a good night Friday night, Saturday night, and although today (Sunday) dragged, it was still a good day. So I can't complain... too much. So I have to go to EMU and jump through a few more hoops to insure some JCMU goodness for David. I don't think I will find out from JCMU if I am going in the next few days, but I will have EMU's endorsement, which is pretty much as good as going myself. At least that's what they told me so far. On the pants front, I am going to take a step to rid myself of the tyranny of pants soon. I measured myself for my first kilt. I am going to get a USAKilts Victory Kilt complete with a beer holder pocket on the side. It will be Navy Blue. Hell yeah. Christina is completely off the lease and moving her stuff into her new apartment with Robert as I type. Well, she is passed out on my bed because she decided to move stuff now, though she has a hangover, so he's doing the moving, and she's doing the sleeping. Poor guy. All in all a good week.


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